Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day was exactly what it was supposed to be, me hanging out with my kids and really appreciating how much I love to be a mom and how great my kids are. (They really are great) Laurel gave me her gifts last week because that's when she brought them home. She was so proud of them. She made me a card, planted a flower in a decorated container and made me a placemat. She gave them to me again on Sunday, and showered me with hugs and kisses all day. She also sang me my special song, once in my ear and once out loud with the hand motions. Luke of course couldn't make me anything, but he has been so much fun lately I really just cashed in on that. We spent all of Saturday and Sunday just hanging out, playing, cuddling, etc. Luke will be in the middle of playing (like a nut) then he'll run over, lay his head on my lap and give me his version of a hug and kiss and then go right back to playing. He's such a pumpkin!! I don't think I could ever say how nice this weekend was and how much I love those two little guys! pictures today. I was too busy playing with them this weekend to bother with taking pictures. I'll post new ones soon.