Thursday, July 31, 2008

The party was a success, the actual potty training remains to be seen. I'll update that one later!! The party involved a diaper cake complete with potty and poo, a water balloon diaper game and diaper party hats. Fun was had by all!

Update #1: It's 3:20 PM on the first day of potty training. It was a long morning with no potty in least no potty IN the potty. There was potty on the floor, potty on the carpet, potty on my office chair that I sat in (not kidding). Then there was the poop. (also not in the potty...but I got plenty on my hand) Anyone know a secret for getting poop filled underwear off with out getting it down the kids legs?
Success seemed unattainable. Then, like a miracle, after lunch she decided she really wanted the Hershey bar in the treat-bowl. So I told her she had to go potty for it, so she did. Filled the whole stinking potty up! (I guess I should have given her two treats for that!!) Hoping it wasn't just a fluke we tried again about an hour later. Not nearly as much potty this time, but there was potty. isn't a lost cause. I'm off to wash some more underwear.

Update #2: So far we have 4 potties in the potty. I think she's realized that she can go just a little bit at a time, thereby creating more potty trips and getting more treats. Oh well, potty trained is potty trained...I don't care how we get there.

Friday, July 25, 2008

So no potty training yet. We had to push it back to next week. Grandpa and Grandma went on an impromptu trip to NYC to visit Erik (and have a nice romantic getaway I hope). So the rest of the Thurmond clan was at our house this weekend.
The weekend went by pretty fast. We went and saw the 3D Journey to the Center of the Earth, we played Tennis, we swam, we had Guitar Hero and Wii tournaments. I'm not sure I've ever done so much playing, but it was fun. (And I'm now I need a vacation)
As for potty training, I think the plan is to have the party Wednesday and start Thursday, but it really depends on Jon's schedule. (he's been really busy lately, so it's hard to work around) We need a couple of days of mostly uninterrupted time so that we can just be at home and potty train. I didn't think it would be that hard to find that time, but so far it has.
(We did have the party, here are the pictures)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Big happenings in our house this week. We took Laurel and Luke bowling on Sunday. And learned that one game of bowling is plenty for a 2 year old. (Though as she will proudly tell you she's "Laurel Dorman 2 years old, be three in August") Bowling was a lot of fun. Not only did we use the bumpers (best score I ever got), when Laurel got tired of pushing the ball down the lane there is a ramp they can use. I just have to aim it, load the ball and she can walk up and push. When she got tired of it by the second game I let Luke push it. (It's that easy) Luke sat propped in his chair for most of the first game. Every time Laurel bowled and knocked over pins she would jump and hoot and holler and offer up high fives. On the rare occasion that the bowling ball still managed to miss the pins despite the bumper she would smack her head and say "oh man." But every time she cheered, Luke would smile and laugh and bounce.
After bowling we went the church. Odd combo I know, but that's what we did. Anyway, during church Luke was sucking on my hand and I realized it was a little scratchy. So I popped his little chin down and to my extreme surprise, he had two bottom teeth! Not swollen gums where teeth were coming in, actual teeth. I couldn't believe it. No more gum-only smiles, my baby is growing up.
Lastly, we've decided to make a push for potty training. On Thursday we're having a no-more-diapers party. Complete with diapers for party hats and special cake with some kind of diaper decoration. (Haven't quite figured that one out yet, I was thinking maybe fruit roll ups tied up like diapers? I'm open to suggestions) And we'll begin the actual potty training on Friday morning. So wish us luck. I'll post pictures of the festivities later.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Our nieces have arrived! Julia and Kaitlin weighing in at 3lbs 15oz and 5 lbs 5oz. These two little beauties arrived in the world about 2:30AM early this morning. It makes me wish it were Christmas so that we could see them. Talk about a house full of kids! By Christmas Jessie will be 4, Laurel will be 3, Luke will be almost 1 and the twins will be almost 6 months. I'm so excited but I can't do a thing about it. (Not fair)
Congratulations Bob and Kris, we can't wait to see them.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Luke changes daily. It's so exciting to watch. On Saturday both Jon and my mom were out of town, therefore I had the kids alone all day. When I write it like that it doesn't seem too abnormal. But it's rare that I have a day when I don't see another adult. That being the case it's rare when an entire day goes by and I'm the only one holding Luke. Consequently we played a lot of games, giggled, talked, sang. It was great. He learned how to stick his tongue out and blow bubbles. Every time he did it he'd laugh and laugh.
The video is of Luker's very first meal. It was fed to him almost entirely by Laurel.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Times have seemed rough lately. Gas is so high that we're short on money. My employer has done their first round of lay-offs due to financial problems. And of course Jon has his ongoing issues with his work situation. Everything just seems stressful. Of course, on the other hand we're both still employed and we still have enough money to live, which is more than some people can say these days.
My point isn't to depress anyone, though it is a little cathartic being able to voice some of the frustration. My point is that through all of that, gas prices, lay-offs...through all of that, we have these two beautiful children who just don't care. They don't care about money issues, they don't know about the stress we've been under. They just want to run and play and laugh. (Or in Luke's case, wiggle and play and laugh) There is something so calming in just sitting down and playing a made up game with Laurel. Or watching Lukers play with a new toy for the first time, or learn to roll. I love my kids so much, and I know Jon does too. Our morning isn't complete until we hear the pitter patter of Laurel's tiny feet running towards our bedroom. Or until she says "Good morning Mommy, good morning Daddy." And there is nothing purer than Luke smiling for no reason other than he's just happy to see you.

We're really lucky.