Monday, November 02, 2009

Halloween is over, and we're officially into November. It feels like there was so much build up for Halloween this year (probably because Laurel was SO excited about it). Then, in a flash it's over! Though we did cram a lot in, so I'll try to recount the most important.
The Halloween parade at school came first, which was more than a week ago now. Here are some of the pictures from the little mermaid all dressed up for school. Luke was merely an observer for this, no costume.
Next came a Fall FunFest at Gradma's church...this was insane...attended by thousands of kids. Laurel and Luke jumped on the bouncy things, got candy, got fake tatoos...and most importantly won Goldy, our new goldfish.

Next was trick-or-treating at the Georgia Aquarium. I think all in all this was the most memorable thing that we did this year. We wanted to go to Boo at the Zoo, but it rained all day, so the Aquarium was the better alternative. (And Laurel's first choice, so that worked out well) Both Laurel and Luke were mesmerized by the fish, sharks, jellyfish, etc. They loved it. The best part was watching Laurel and Luke's faces when the came out of the whale slide tunnel.
Next was the Halloween party at Grandma Thurmond's, trick-or-treating and then the last part was carving the Halloween pumpkin. All in all we had a great weekend, and Grandma and Grandpa Dorman finally got to see the new house. The kids loved showing them around the house and the property.

Friday, October 16, 2009

We had a blast at Washington Farms for the second year in a row. The highlight (again) was the corn box. The kids actually didn't do everything this year...the main focus was the corn box, animals, cow train, hayride and the pumpkin patch. We really lucked out, as Laurel picked 3 small pumpkins that came to a whopping total of $1.50...woo hoo! (Luke didn't want any, he just wanted to climb around) The piggy races were a bit of a bust with both kids crying about different things. (I think the pigs initially scared Luke when they ran by. And Laurel wasn't chosen to hold one of the piggy scarves, so of course she was crushed) So after that they were ready to go. Perfect timing I think, we spent enough time to have fun but not so much that we were exhausted.
The next day Laurel and I started (and finished) her mermaid costume. She had full artistic control of the design and fabrics chosen. I really am trying to make an effort not to waste, so we used fabric we already had. She's pleased with the result, and that's all that matters.
On Sunday I had a hankering to make a homemade pumpkin I split one of the smaller pumkins we had and let the kids go to town scooping out the seeds and goo. I've never made a pumkin pie with fresh pumpkin before, I was shocked at how easy it was to do. And the kids were proud because they helped make that was great.

Monday, October 12, 2009

I think the terrible twos have arrived. We never really had them with Laurel, and Luke has always been so well behaved, I think we thought we were in the clear. It looks like we were wrong. He screams, he hits, he throws himself on the ground. This happened overnight...literally. We brought both of the kids to Ikea on Sunday thinking we'd get a chance to look at some things for the new house and the kids would get to play. (and of course have some swedish meatballs) The trouble started at lunch and only got worse. Luke screamed, Luke cried, he even hit some girl!!! He takes discipline well (ie timeout, we aren't talking chain gangs or anything), and seems remorseful, but it doesn't seem to stop the behavior. I just hope we have the strength to live through it (and that this is short lived).
Here are some pictures from David and Karen's party over the weekend...the kids were sad to find that they no longer had cows, but thankfully they did have chickens. So here are some pictures of the kids looking at the chickens.
I also took this picture of Luke because I thought it was funny that the monster on his shirt had chocolate all around his mouth...and so did Luke. But, I didn't realize how much you could see the allergic reaction he had on Thursday (look under his eyes). We think it was to the Magnolia Tree pods he was wiping on his face (don't know why). His eyes puffed up soon after and then became red underneath for a couple of days.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

To answer Grandma's question...YES...there will be things to demolish, to build to plant for years to come. Whatever, whenever, you guys are welcome. (All are welcome...we turn away no free labor!!) Jon met with our architect today (that sounds so FANCY!) and really had a good feeling about him. He took our 1-story and 2-story plan ideas and we'll see what he can figure out. This is so exciting.
Not why I wrote however...I have no pictures, but I wanted everyone to have a visual of this. Last night we decided to have a mini-family movie night. So when we got home I sent everyone to put on PJs. I got ready, Dad got ready, Luke got ready...we're on the couch waiting for Laurel who keeps saying that she's coming. Finally we here click clack click clack. We all look up, and there is the fashion diva herself in a flannel hooded PJ shirt (with the hood on), striped tights and high heel dress up shoes. She looked like she was fresh off the Paris runway, she pranced in with her hips swaying, looked at us and said "I'm ready" and then plopped down on her chair to watch the movie. What could we do? We looked at eacother and laughed. It's the little moments that make life great.

Friday, October 02, 2009

My mean husband...(no not really)...went out to the new place to meet some people who were coming to look at various things (tree man, draftsperson, etc) and he had an opportunity to just sit out there with nothing to do. He called me and the first words out of his mouth were...we made the right choice. (Followed by "I wish you were here." too...instead I was in my dreary windowless office...hence the mean husband comment) He said the weather was great, the squirrels were playing, the birds were chirping and it was just peaceful and beautiful and perfect.

Sunday we'll go out together and do the first demo, though it's mostly ceremonial. We decided that for the very first tear down we both needed to be there, sort of like an official groundbreaking. After that it doesn't matter so much. I'm excited to tear out the existing eye-sore of a kitchen island, which is what we'll be doing.

Saturday I took the kids to the park. We played, walked, fed ducks, saw turtles, swung on tree branches and took a bunch of pictures. They both had a blast,and we ran into a family we knew with kids the same age so we played and walked together. For me it was a new experience because I don't really have the kind of scheduling flexibility that allows for play dates. So I'm glad it sort of worked out that way, even though it was a chance encounter.

Sunday we all went out to the new place to check out some things, do a little demo and just play and enjoy. The kids had a blast, picking flowers, running through the empty house, trying to climb trees and collecting magnolia seeds. Laurel really took to it all...and we just had to sit back and let her go and have her own fun. Before leaving we all piled into the dark (no power) kitchen to demo the ugly kitchen island. This was our groundbreaking ceremony. We all took turns kicking the counter down into the middle of the kitchen. (Not realizing what a mess it would time we'll have to clean it up)

Laurel and I also got the craft-bug this weekend and made a Halloween quilt and some Halloween pillows. She helped design, cut and sew them. She's been so excited about them that she sleeps with her Halloween pillow and blanket every night and she even had to bring it over to Grandma's yesterday to show her. I really have to attribute this increase in fun activities to the removal of the TV. Since we got rid of the dish we've found ourselves with a little more time then we're used to. More active time too...instead of just sitting there with the TV on all evening finding something to entertain us...we entertain ourselves. It's really kind of nice, we've all noticed and enjoyed the change. We even had our first official Family Movie Night, which seemed more special since TV has become less of a daily habit and more of an occasional treat. The kids hopped up on our laps on Friday night and we all watched Race To Witch Mountain. They had a blast, even just goes to show what a little less technology can do for family time!

Friday, September 25, 2009

There is so much to do we're not even sure where to start! We think we've got the floorplans they have to be professionally drawn up. Then we have to get bids for the actual work. Then we need approval from the city. It feels like we've waited so long to get this we're waiting for the renovation to begin. It will be fun to not only go through this project...but do it with our family and friends who have been so excited for us, and supportive and more than willing to help come in and put in some sweat equity with us. I can't wait to remember the memories of demolishing a house with ya'll and then building it back up!! I hope this year goes in slow motion because I really want to enjoy this time with everyone. I know my mom is itching to knock something down...blame it on the age of HGTV...but it seems everyone wants to get a hand in on this project...and frankly we want that too. We want everyone to visit our house and remember the blood, sweat and tears that we all put into it together. We're planning to take so much video and pictures that we won't know what to do with it all.

The kids already love playing in the backyard. It seems silly to call it that...what we have now is a backyard, the new house is an adventure. We're already planning out our garden and the play area by the creek, and what animals we want. There is a small 2-3 animal stable on the back side of the shed and horse fencing around the property. Laurel wants a horse (named Maggie of course), a goat, chickens, another dog, etc. Luke wants a cow. But he calls horses cows maybe he wants a horse. Time will tell.

Laurel has decided she wants to be a mermaid for Halloween. I think we might reuse an old costume and have Luke be a monkey. Mostly because he just likes monkeys. We haven't decided on that yet, but since he doesn't have much of an opinion on the matter it's really up to us...and of course what he's willing to wear. He may just take it all off and give us that "you're crazy" face that he's so very good at.

Although it's been officially Fall for about a week, it's been in the 80s and 90s. Finally yesterday we saw some 70s!!! So here are the kids dressed up for "fall." It's about as fall as we get around here considering it can be 85 degrees at Thanksgiving. You just never know. (There is also a picture of Luke eating was just cute, so I thought I'd share)

Class started for me on Tuesday. I think it will be a lot of fun, and I'll get to learn this whole skill set that I otherwise would have never gotten a chance to I'm really excited. But I am torn about missing my kids 2 nights a week. I love my kids...I love to see my kids. So the guilt caused me to make them dinner for tonight (while I'm in class) in a heart shaped casserole. I love this thing...we got it as a wedding gift from John and Ginger...and since I never sent an official Thank You card (because I'm a horrible person who forgets to do such things, even though I am in fact thankful to have such wonderful friends and family) so this is my version of a thank you card. Thank You John and Ginger for a gift that isn't only sweet but is something that we love and use and makes me think of you guys every time we use it.

(Unfortunately my kids weren't as thankful about it since I made a millet jambalaya...and since I'm still getting used to which grains do's more like a jambalaya porridge...tastes good, texture's a little odd) Live and time I'll just use the wheat berries.
And since I'm sending electronic thank yous here...the adorable rainbow tights shown in the pictures (currently Laurel's favorite) are from Aunt Sue and Uncle Bob. Thanks guys, she really loves the tights and the little CD player!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT COCO! (sorry about the sideways video...mommy obviously wasn't using her brain!!) We hope you had fun on your tandem bike and we hope you like the gift!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I feel like there is so much to share...
We did not float away, though at times it's felt like we would. It has been entire interstate under water! Six Flags is under water! Detours and reroutes due to road closings has caused traffic galore. Thankfully no one I know personally had any flooding, though my sisters and brother are both still out of school because both of their schools are flooded.
Big news number two...we finally have a house. 6 months after we began looking on a whim we have an actual house. Of course it isn't a livable house...yet...but it will be. We're all really excited. We'll have great schools, a great little piece of land and when it's all said and done a house that suits us perfectly. The closing was a little stressful, and it seemed like it might not go through...but in the end it did. And when they handed over the keys we breathed a sigh of relief. Here are some pictures of the property and the closing. I also threw in a picture of Laurel and Daddy on their date last week. They went to see Ice Age in 3D and then went to Dunkin Donuts for snacks. They both had a great time and talked about it for hours.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First day of school! Laurel was so excited to go. I'm sure it helped that she knew the school, knew the structure, knew the's like being the senior in highschool. You feel like the boss, you get to just enjoy. (I assume that's true...I never was a I'm basing this on TV and Movies. Certainly the pink ladies seemed to enjoy their last year) Everything worked perfectly, she picked her outfit, we got there early, and the person she wanted to take her out of the car at carpool was right if it were all scripted. Here are some pictures and a video. Luke on the other hand was confused. I can't think of a time when we've dropped off Laurel but not Luke. As she was being taken from the car he kept calling her we drove off he kept asking "where Laurel?" and turning from side to side to try and find her in the car. Then he fell asleep until it was time to pick her no biggie there. My plan was to drop her off, fill up the tires of my jogging stroller at the QT and go jogging. (Don't be too impressed, we're starting all over again...this would have been day 2 of the Couch-to-5K program) But when I got to the QT and pulled out the stroller the back axle was bent to the point that the back wheels pointed towards eachother. I tried to fix it, but apparently bending it by shoving the trunk door closed on it is WAY easier then using your fist to jam it back. So...I finally gave up and went home and put Luke down for a nap. Boo.

Monday, August 31, 2009

So we might get this house after all. After 4 months of waiting to hear back about our offer, they accepted our price and have demanded that we close in three weeks or the deal is broken. So now we're off to the races rushing around trying to get the house closed that quickly...and trying not to freak out about how much this renovation is going to cost. We pretty much already know we can't afford to finish out the renovation. What we hope is that it will be livable in a year. This whole thing is about putting ourselves in a good school district for when Kindergarten rolls around...well it's rolling. We have 11 months to get this house finished enough to move in. Parts of this deal are insane. Like we've never seen the back acre. It is so compacted with thickets we physically have been unable to get back there. I figure when we go back for the inspection I'll bring some big rubber boots, hop in the creek from the neighbors yard and walk upstream to our property.
Laurel and I found a pecan on the ground...meaning we have a pecan tree in our yard. I consider it a sign from my grandmother, a good omen. Who knew I was so new age-y.
The house next door is also for sale. It's in better shape then ours and has more room. It also has a little more property at 2.75 acres. It's really a lovely set up, the creek borders the entire backyard and there is this area of mature hardwood trees that circle around the back of the house and the creek. Perfect for little ones to play, perfect for a treehouse, a fire ring, etc. But, it's not OUR property...when we pulled up on the property that day...we just fell in love. So I can only hope that someone nice buys the one next to it and keeps it as is instead of building a McMansion...which is so common in Georgia. It's a shame we can't afford both lots, that would rock.
In any looks like the house just might be ours.

Can ya'll believe how big these kids are?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Luke before the haircut...
Luke after the haircut.
Ok, I admit looks better short. I don't know why I fought it so long.

Pictures of the house we put an offer on...

Technically these are pictures of the backyard, but frankly the house isn't much to look at. It will need a full overhaul AND an addition.

Here's a video of Luker on a scooter and Laurel putting on a show.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day was exactly what it was supposed to be, me hanging out with my kids and really appreciating how much I love to be a mom and how great my kids are. (They really are great) Laurel gave me her gifts last week because that's when she brought them home. She was so proud of them. She made me a card, planted a flower in a decorated container and made me a placemat. She gave them to me again on Sunday, and showered me with hugs and kisses all day. She also sang me my special song, once in my ear and once out loud with the hand motions. Luke of course couldn't make me anything, but he has been so much fun lately I really just cashed in on that. We spent all of Saturday and Sunday just hanging out, playing, cuddling, etc. Luke will be in the middle of playing (like a nut) then he'll run over, lay his head on my lap and give me his version of a hug and kiss and then go right back to playing. He's such a pumpkin!! I don't think I could ever say how nice this weekend was and how much I love those two little guys! pictures today. I was too busy playing with them this weekend to bother with taking pictures. I'll post new ones soon.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

This has been a week of firsts. Luke's firt steps, Luke's first busted teeth. Sigh. I can't say it doesn't suit him a little bit. He's a very quiet and contended kid...but he's definitly tough, and now he has the broken teeth to prove it. It was me, it happened on my watch. I didn't knock him over or anything, but since it happened while I was in charge I feel very very guilty. On a bright note it doesn't appear that the teeth will die, which I was most afraid of. But the teeth look pretty rough. It's taken me a while to get passed this. Not that I really am, but the heart-sinking-feeling I felt every time I saw him or thought about him has passed, and life just seems normal again. Things could always be worse. Way way's just teeth.
Life has been busy for all of us. Jon is travelling more, my business is picking up and of course the kids are just active in general. It seems there is no down time these days. I miss down time. And although I have several orders to fill right now, I instead spent my afternoon with the kids catching worms. (I didn't actually have to catch them thankfully, I left that up to Abby, Hallie and Laurel. And Laurel and Hallie left most of the worm touching to Abby) But I was there to watch and take pictures.
I just signed up for Flickr today, so I think this is how it works...but for the rest of todays pics here is the link.