Monday, January 15, 2007

A lot has happened since the last time I posted. 2007 is here. Laurel can walk, she talks much more. Her hair is getting long. Essentially she's gone from being a baby to being a toddler. The transition happened so quickly that we didn't realize until after it happened. She suddenly has an opinion about what we do and how we do it. More importantly, she has an opinion about what she doesn't want to do.

1) She doesn't want to put on pants.
2) She does want to put a clip in her hair, but she doesn't want to keep it there.
3) She doesn't want to leave the playground.
4) She doesn't want you to get her grapes, she wants "apples" even though they're really grapes.

Of course this all makes her sound like a demon child, which she's not. She's wonderful. Sweet and funny and lovable. But she does have her moments (as all toddlers do) when you're trying to shop and she wants to walk. Or when you're at the park and she wants the duck. (She doesn't want to see the duck...she actually WANTS the duck.)

This is a picture of Laurel and Daddy on Christmas day. She looks like such an angel, it's hard to picture her throwing a fit in the Wal-Mart.

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