Thursday, December 11, 2008

Life is so crazy.  I don't know that we've ever been so busy.  So busy we don't pay attention to what's on TV.  So busy we haven't cooked dinner more than once a week for a month.  And it isn't the "usual" holiday rush of parties and things  In fact we really haven't done anything Christmas-y other than decorate our tree.  Between Jon's school, work, union and teaching, plus my work and this new little business on the side it's been insane!  Our dining room (aka my shop) is an explosion of fabric.  Occasionally it blows out into the main areas and we have to keep shoving it back in.  On a postive note, business is steady...and I stop taking orders life should slow down a little bit.  (Not too much because I have to do my own Christmas projects then!)  It being such a lean year for everyone, there is no Christmas bonus from my work.  So we've decided to really tone down Christmas.  (which is funny because we've never really spent that much anyway)  BUT, this year there will be little to no bought gifts.  So far I'm really enjoying the simplicity of that.  Unfortunately it makes for more work, and since time is in short supply right now I'm not sure I'll be able to do everything I want to do.  

But, amid all of this craziness normal life continues.  And on the top of that list is that Laurel's very first Christmas pageant ever was yesterday.  She was the little mouse in the Night Before Christmas.  She was hilarious.  After her part (which mostly included laying in front of the fire place) she got up, walked across the stage and wiggled her tail (ie booty) at the crowd.  We couldn't believe it!  Our shy little thing wiggling her booty on the stage.  Then of course she decided she didn't want to go back up on stage to sing and cried when we tried.  So we stopped trying and let her sit out the rest of it.  I think the mouse routine was plenty for her very first show.  

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