Sunday, March 22, 2009

This has been a week of firsts. Luke's firt steps, Luke's first busted teeth. Sigh. I can't say it doesn't suit him a little bit. He's a very quiet and contended kid...but he's definitly tough, and now he has the broken teeth to prove it. It was me, it happened on my watch. I didn't knock him over or anything, but since it happened while I was in charge I feel very very guilty. On a bright note it doesn't appear that the teeth will die, which I was most afraid of. But the teeth look pretty rough. It's taken me a while to get passed this. Not that I really am, but the heart-sinking-feeling I felt every time I saw him or thought about him has passed, and life just seems normal again. Things could always be worse. Way way's just teeth.
Life has been busy for all of us. Jon is travelling more, my business is picking up and of course the kids are just active in general. It seems there is no down time these days. I miss down time. And although I have several orders to fill right now, I instead spent my afternoon with the kids catching worms. (I didn't actually have to catch them thankfully, I left that up to Abby, Hallie and Laurel. And Laurel and Hallie left most of the worm touching to Abby) But I was there to watch and take pictures.
I just signed up for Flickr today, so I think this is how it works...but for the rest of todays pics here is the link.

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