Friday, September 25, 2009

There is so much to do we're not even sure where to start! We think we've got the floorplans they have to be professionally drawn up. Then we have to get bids for the actual work. Then we need approval from the city. It feels like we've waited so long to get this we're waiting for the renovation to begin. It will be fun to not only go through this project...but do it with our family and friends who have been so excited for us, and supportive and more than willing to help come in and put in some sweat equity with us. I can't wait to remember the memories of demolishing a house with ya'll and then building it back up!! I hope this year goes in slow motion because I really want to enjoy this time with everyone. I know my mom is itching to knock something down...blame it on the age of HGTV...but it seems everyone wants to get a hand in on this project...and frankly we want that too. We want everyone to visit our house and remember the blood, sweat and tears that we all put into it together. We're planning to take so much video and pictures that we won't know what to do with it all.

The kids already love playing in the backyard. It seems silly to call it that...what we have now is a backyard, the new house is an adventure. We're already planning out our garden and the play area by the creek, and what animals we want. There is a small 2-3 animal stable on the back side of the shed and horse fencing around the property. Laurel wants a horse (named Maggie of course), a goat, chickens, another dog, etc. Luke wants a cow. But he calls horses cows maybe he wants a horse. Time will tell.

Laurel has decided she wants to be a mermaid for Halloween. I think we might reuse an old costume and have Luke be a monkey. Mostly because he just likes monkeys. We haven't decided on that yet, but since he doesn't have much of an opinion on the matter it's really up to us...and of course what he's willing to wear. He may just take it all off and give us that "you're crazy" face that he's so very good at.

Although it's been officially Fall for about a week, it's been in the 80s and 90s. Finally yesterday we saw some 70s!!! So here are the kids dressed up for "fall." It's about as fall as we get around here considering it can be 85 degrees at Thanksgiving. You just never know. (There is also a picture of Luke eating was just cute, so I thought I'd share)

Class started for me on Tuesday. I think it will be a lot of fun, and I'll get to learn this whole skill set that I otherwise would have never gotten a chance to I'm really excited. But I am torn about missing my kids 2 nights a week. I love my kids...I love to see my kids. So the guilt caused me to make them dinner for tonight (while I'm in class) in a heart shaped casserole. I love this thing...we got it as a wedding gift from John and Ginger...and since I never sent an official Thank You card (because I'm a horrible person who forgets to do such things, even though I am in fact thankful to have such wonderful friends and family) so this is my version of a thank you card. Thank You John and Ginger for a gift that isn't only sweet but is something that we love and use and makes me think of you guys every time we use it.

(Unfortunately my kids weren't as thankful about it since I made a millet jambalaya...and since I'm still getting used to which grains do's more like a jambalaya porridge...tastes good, texture's a little odd) Live and time I'll just use the wheat berries.
And since I'm sending electronic thank yous here...the adorable rainbow tights shown in the pictures (currently Laurel's favorite) are from Aunt Sue and Uncle Bob. Thanks guys, she really loves the tights and the little CD player!!

1 comment:

grandma and grandpa said...

I had a great time looking at all the pictures. Now as soon as grandpa gets home from the store I'll have to show them to him and Grandma Schieres too. These pictures are sooo cute.Laurel and Luke just put a big smile on my face! Will there be anything to demolish when we finally get there?!
We love you guys,
Grandma and grandpa