Monday, October 02, 2006

Laurel has been growing and changing so much lately. It's scary. She's almost walking, she talks constantly and she has an unbelievable temper. We've also been introducing her to a lot more recently, hiking, camping, etc. Throughout the fall we have a lot planned, more camping, pumpkin picking, Halloween, and two Thanksgivings. (Yep...twice the turkey for me this year) So even if I don't have time to write that much, I will try to keep up the pictures.

The picture here is from Laurel's first official hiking trip. As you can see she found it very tiring. We didn't know how she'd do, so we started with a fairly short 2 mile hike. We first tried the jog stroller with the big fat bike tires...but that didn't go well (too bumpy). So we heaed back to the car to try her in the snuggly. (too small) We hadn't tried the snuggly in months, not realizing that she had outgrown it. So, finally we tried the good-old Maya wrap (just right). At first she was mesmerized by the sun coming through the leaves, then she was irritated by the leaves brushing into her, then she was lulled by the constant rocking motion...and before we knew it she was out like a light.

Since then we found a cheap hiking backpack at used it camping and hiking, and she loves it. (I'll put those pictures in later) We have also taken her to some dirt trails around town and let her play in the mud and the creeks. It turns out she loves mud. Loves to play in it, loves to eat it, pretty much loves everything about it. Mud has lots of minerals, right?

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