Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I think everyone who reads this blog already knows that we're expecting another baby, so this shouldn't be news to anyone here. We had our first ultrasound this week. It turns out we're about a week further along then we thought. What's neat about that is that the ultrasound is at 11 weeks, instead of 8 like it would normally be. At 8 weeks the baby looks mostly like a peanut, you have no idea what is what. But on this one you can definitly tell the head and the body, the arms and the legs. It looks like a little teddy bear. So for now we're calling it Baby Bear.


Kristine said...

That's probably the cutest ultrasound picture I've ever seen (aside from Jessie's, of course)! We're so excited for you guys!

Kris, Bob, and Jessie

Whitney Hand said...

It looks like a little gummi bear. What a cutie! How did I not notice this picture until now??