Sunday, October 28, 2007

This weekend didn't turn out exactly as we planned. There was no corn maze, or pumpkin picking, or boo-at-the-zoo. But, don't feel bad yet. We still had a good weekend. Though from the parents' perspective there was an awful lot of cleaning...we got to have some fun too. We went to a party on Saturday night and Laurel was an absolute nut. (In a good way) She was funny and cute and charming. Then today we decided to carve and paint pumpkins. We set up a sort of impromptu Halloween party and had Hallie, Abby and Cody over. Laurel painted a pumpkin, and then proceeded to paint her arms, feet, toes, legs and then face. The funniest was watching her carefully paint the skin in between her toes. She was determined to get every little piece of bare skin. We ended up going right into the bath. By the time the bath was over, the water was brown. Then we carved pumpkins, colored them with markers (then colored our arms with marker)...then for a finale we ate a big jack 'o lantern cookie cake and watched the Charlie Brown Halloween special. Then mommy and daddy got to clean seems like that never ends. (But we are making progress)

Here is a picture of the aftermath of the painting. She left paint footprints and handprints all over the bathroom.

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