Monday, October 22, 2007

We actually had a pretty busy weekend. I took all the kids to a fall festival on Saturday, and then we did the Stone Mountain Village on Sunday. I'm hoping this weekend will be as exciting. We'd like to do pumpkin picking and a corn maze on Saturday, and then possibly Boo at the Zoo on Sunday night. But we'll have to wait until next Monday to see if that all pans out. (In the meantime I have to figure out what Laurel is going to be for Halloween) I thought she'd have a real opinion about it, but instead she keeps giving me random answers. She's told me she wants to be everything from a bear to a ball.

This picture is from the fall festival. Laurel got to go fishing (for pretzel fish), she got her face painted (that's a pumpkin if you can't tell), she decorated a cookie and made a necklace out of pixie stick sugar. After the festival we went to visit Daddy at the fire station so that he could see the face painting. I swear she had more fun playing with the kids at the fire station then she did the rest of the weekend!

1 comment:

momt said...

I finally looked at this. I like the picture in the car on Christmas morning.