Sunday, April 27, 2008

Luke is almost 4 months old now. Time seems to be going by so much quicker than I remember with Laurel. It's a little bit scary actually. It makes me realize that in no time they'll be in school, then teenagers, then all grown up. But I suppose that fact makes the little things that much more precious. (Like video taping Luke sucking his thumb for the first time, or Laurel singing her ABCs) Life has just been really good lately all around. Laurel has really made this jump into a big sister. It used to be we had to worry a little when taking her into stores, or out to eat. That's not the case anymore. Suddenly she's old enough to behave AND even try and calm Luke. And Luke (when he's not hungry) is just a really easy baby. He smiles at anyone who talks to him. It's just been one of those weeks when you can't seem to say enough nice things about your kids.


grandma and grandpa said...

These videos were priceless!

Grandma and Grandpa

Corey said...

How about hi to Aunt Coco and kids? Josh makes me watch these over and over!!!