Friday, April 04, 2008

Spring has been a blur.  One day it's beautiful and you can't even remember what the cold weather felt like, then the next day it's cold again and it feels like the warm weather is gone forever.  Sun or cold or rain has not stopped Jon and I from running though.  We're in week three of our couch-to-5k program.  Our first 5k is scheduled for May.  The kids have been great, they both sit in the double stroller and enjoy the time outside.  Laurel especially likes finding the landmarks as we go.  Our neighborhood lawn ornaments are a treat for her to find.  There's the family of plastic deer, the cement duck and the ceramic owl to name a few.  
Last night we took them out, but it was a little too cold.  By the time we got back both kids had blankets over their heads to keep the wind and drizzle off of them.  This was a video we took after we got back from our run and were cuddling on the couch.  ( it's really a walk/run...and it's mostly walking.  But we're getting there!)


Whitney Hand said...

She's too cute with her pigtails. What a good big sister.

FYI, you have some spam crap from fenridal there. Nobody click on it, like this dummy did! :)

grandma and grandpa said...

Hi Laurel and Luke,
We loved seeing both of you on the video. You looked very cute. We'
re glad you like to be outside with Mommy and Daddy.Tell Mommy to keep sending videos and pictures. We love you very much!
Grandma and Grandpa