Monday, March 01, 2010

Sunday we spent the afternoon at the new house. At first we thought we'd picnic and fly kites, but it was a little chilly. Then I had another idea...last week I started to walk the property line in the woods. We hadn't really ever done this, and didn't know how far we owned into the woods. Last week I realized we must own more than we'd realized, so this week I thought we'd turn it into an adventure. So, the kids put on their boots and we snuck through a broken part in the fence and began to explore. It wasn't long before Laurel was caught in some thorns. So I pulled her hair out of the thorns, pulled a single thorn out of her hand...and we moved on. (there were better ways to go, but she wanted to cross the bridge) So I lead, and moved thorns and we made our way across a little bridge over a "seasonal spring." (yes that means drainage ditch) But pretty nonetheless. We made our way past what we thought was a deer stand, but I think is actually an old run down our imagination is starting to run away with us! We kept going and going through the woods, down the fence line and to the creek. The kids and I stopped at a perfect spot in the creek to play. There is a place where the creek bends, and the kids can walk around on the rocks. The water rushes down some rock outcroppings and makes it sound like rapids. Back here you hear the water, the birds, and not much else. The kids threw rocks in the water for quite a while while I took pictures. Jon kept walking the far end of the property line...and found some new dog-friends. (the neighbors to the back that own a farm set the dogs on him) They weren't dangerous, but they were persitant. Good to know...when we get chickens we'll at least have the neighbors dog to scare off predators.

We also finally pried off the brick facade of the fireplace to figure out why they'd built such a horrible facade over a masonry fireplace. Whoa is the worst made fireplace EVER. Not sure whether we'll knock her down or put the facade back up yet. We also tore down some dry wall...that was fun...even Luke got in on the action. It turns out we don't have to worry about asbestos. Why you ask? There is no insulation in the house. Yep, that's what I said. None. Zero. Zip. Not that it matters, since we would have reinsulated the whole house anyway (saves us from throwing away the nasty old insulation). But can you imagine how cold and hot that house must have been over the years!!

1 comment:

grandma and grandpa said...

We loved the pictures. We can tell that Luke and Laurel are going to enjoy exploring with both of you!