Thursday, September 18, 2008

Don't stop after looking at these videos...there are more videos and pictures that are newly posted below.  (Sorry it's taken me a little while to post AGAIN)


grandma and grandpa said...

Hi Laurel,
Wow,it looks like you had a great time dancing at the wedding! We saw that you wore your dress that really twirls.Jessie likes to twirl and spin when she dances too!We can't wait to see you,Luke, Mommy and Daddy when we come!
Grandma and Grandpa

grandma and grandpa said...

Hi Laurel,
Wow,it looks like you had a great time dancing at the wedding! We saw that you wore your dress that really twirls.Jessie likes to twirl and spin when she dances too!We can't wait to see you,Luke, Mommy and Daddy when we come!
Grandma and Grandpa