Monday, April 24, 2006

I (Laurel) had a good day today. I got to stay home with my daddy and play all day. First I napped on daddy's chest for a couple of hours, then I played on the floor in my room. Then daddy fed me sweet potatoes with cereal and I slept again. When mommy came home daddy and I showed her how I could put the balls in my dragon toy. Mommy was so proud of me! Then we all went shopping for shoes for daddy. But daddy still couldn't find anything he liked. (We've tried five stores now!!) When we came home I ate banana yogurt for dinner. I used to hate yogurt, and I'd make funny faces everytime mom and dad gave it to me. But now I love it, and I ate the whole yogurt myself. Yum.

Today I have picture of my tooth so that grandma and grandpa can see how big I'm getting! (Hi grandma, grandpa and great grandma...I love you!)

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