Friday, April 28, 2006

So...I hadn't planned to post today. It's been a long day. Yoga, work, baby...I'm tired, the baby's tired. She was so tired and fussy I thought maybe a bath would cheer her up. (You'll see in a minute why I changed my mind about writing today) Normally baths DO NOT cheer Laurel up. She hates them, at least until recently. She hated taking baths in her baby tub. So, silly me, I figured she'd love playing in the big tub. So the other day I fill it with rubber duckies (a whole family) and a beach ball and then put her in. She screamed and cried through the whole thing. Then I had an epiphany...the sink. I've seen others do this (on TV), so I thought, what the heck. Well as it turns out, the TV is always right. She loved it. So she and the duck family now take their baths in the kitchen sink.

Which leads me to tonight...Laurel was so fussy, I thought maybe a bath would help. I filled the sink, added the rubber ducks and put her in. As I supsected, she had a blast. So she's playing and I'm sitting on the counter next to her. Suddenly I realize the splashing has stopped, and she's giving me this strange look. After a moments pause...a loud sound comes from below and then the bubbles followed. This is a first for us...the bath poot. She looked at me with this confused expression...I laughed. That was it, once I laughed, she laughed. Then I laughed more, then she laughed more. Then she burped, which was then followed by two more poots and a lot more bubbles. Laughter again.

I can honestly say that tonight was the funniest moment in the life of my baby. (Now you understand why I had to write today)

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