Thursday, July 31, 2008

The party was a success, the actual potty training remains to be seen. I'll update that one later!! The party involved a diaper cake complete with potty and poo, a water balloon diaper game and diaper party hats. Fun was had by all!

Update #1: It's 3:20 PM on the first day of potty training. It was a long morning with no potty in least no potty IN the potty. There was potty on the floor, potty on the carpet, potty on my office chair that I sat in (not kidding). Then there was the poop. (also not in the potty...but I got plenty on my hand) Anyone know a secret for getting poop filled underwear off with out getting it down the kids legs?
Success seemed unattainable. Then, like a miracle, after lunch she decided she really wanted the Hershey bar in the treat-bowl. So I told her she had to go potty for it, so she did. Filled the whole stinking potty up! (I guess I should have given her two treats for that!!) Hoping it wasn't just a fluke we tried again about an hour later. Not nearly as much potty this time, but there was potty. isn't a lost cause. I'm off to wash some more underwear.

Update #2: So far we have 4 potties in the potty. I think she's realized that she can go just a little bit at a time, thereby creating more potty trips and getting more treats. Oh well, potty trained is potty trained...I don't care how we get there.

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