Thursday, July 03, 2008

Times have seemed rough lately. Gas is so high that we're short on money. My employer has done their first round of lay-offs due to financial problems. And of course Jon has his ongoing issues with his work situation. Everything just seems stressful. Of course, on the other hand we're both still employed and we still have enough money to live, which is more than some people can say these days.
My point isn't to depress anyone, though it is a little cathartic being able to voice some of the frustration. My point is that through all of that, gas prices, lay-offs...through all of that, we have these two beautiful children who just don't care. They don't care about money issues, they don't know about the stress we've been under. They just want to run and play and laugh. (Or in Luke's case, wiggle and play and laugh) There is something so calming in just sitting down and playing a made up game with Laurel. Or watching Lukers play with a new toy for the first time, or learn to roll. I love my kids so much, and I know Jon does too. Our morning isn't complete until we hear the pitter patter of Laurel's tiny feet running towards our bedroom. Or until she says "Good morning Mommy, good morning Daddy." And there is nothing purer than Luke smiling for no reason other than he's just happy to see you.

We're really lucky.


grandma and grandpa said...

Wow, we just got your July 3rd videos. We loved Laurel's art work!Maybe she can send us one.What a treat to see Luke laughing. We laughed right along with him!
Grandma and Grandpa

grandma and grandpa said...

Wow , we just got the July 3rd. videos of Laurel and Luke. We loved Laurel's art work! Maybe she can send us one. It was so much fun hearing Luke laugh. We laughed right along with him!
Grandma and Grandpa